About the club
The Hammond Park Football Club began from very humble beginnings, in 2008 about 15 boys and girls came down to the new patch of grass in Hammond Park every Sunday morning and had some fun kicking footballs around. By the end of the year the group of kids had come up with their name, the Hammond Park Hurricanes, their colours; green, navy, and white, and their Guernsey design.
2009 saw a more official approach, as the club officially registered as an Auskick centre, and had around 40 kids playing Auskick each week. This grew to 80 in 2010, including a team of Year 4’s who played in the South Fremantle District competition. 2010 was also the year of Incorporation for the Hammond Park Football Club, making it official that the Hurricanes were here to stay.
By 2013 the number of players had grown to over 200, with 165 of them being Auskickers (Pre Primary to Year 2), putting the Hurricanes in the top 3 for clubs in our district.
The first few years were a tough experience, with no facilities other than the grass, and a rapidly growing community wanting to get in on the excitement. It was these years that have shaped the community and family feel the club now sets as a standard, with parents and players all making the most of their experiences playing junior sport in a fun, safe, and friendly environment.
The club has a large number of All-Girls teams and nominates teams in all year groups starting from Pre-primary through to Year 8.
Fast forward to 2022 in another club first we were successful in our application to join the Masters competition and nominated 2 teams made up of predominantly dads of our current players. This season saw our club grow again and are now home to over 840 members (272 in Auskick, 521 Juniors/ Youth & 51 Masters) who finally moved into our new purpose built home ground at Frankland Park Sporting & Community Facility . This season we won another 2 premierships, first our Y7 White team, coached by Mark Winnett won their nail biting grand final and also our first Division 1 Premiership won for the club through our Y8 White team, coached by Paul Artis.
It's no wonder every year more and more people join the Hurricane Family!
We would love to see you in 2024.